Ryder Architecture ’s four storey £7m Innovation Centre 3 at Liverpool Science Park started on site on 18 March 2013.

The 3750 sqm flexible office and commercial laboratory accommodation builds on the success of the two previous science park innovation centres and completes the Metropolitan Cathedral campus, terminating the vista from the urban parkland to the south and creating a focus for the science park community.

Chris Musson, chief executive of Liverpool Science Park, said “The demand for this specialist accommodation in a supportive environment is high, and our campus provides a very attractive offer - high quality accommodation, business support, and links to the region’s specialist experts at the universities - all in a city centre location.

The additional flexible office and laboratory space will be a great asset to the city region and reinforce the message that Liverpool is a world-class destination for commercial knowledge enterprise.”

Innovation Centre 3 (ic3), which merges with Innovation Centre 1 (ic1) at the upper two levels to maximise the efficiency of internal circulation, will provide adaptable office suites in a range of sizes and fully serviced laboratories with communal support facilities.

The new four storey centre merges with the previous Innovation Centre 1(ic1) and effectively operates as a single building. The existing entrance and reception area within ic1 serves both buildings.

The site is constrained by important built heritage considerations within a conservation area and adjacent to grade II* listed Metropolitan Cathedral. Particular attention was paid to ensure the character and appearance of the conservation area was preserved and enhanced.

Location: Liverpoool, UK Architects: Ryder Architecture Structural Engineer: Arup M+E Engineer: KJ Tait PM, Cost Consultant, CDMC: Tweeds Contractor: Morgan Sindall Area: 3,700 sqm Year: 2014 Client: Liverpool Science Park