Aarhus Municipality unveiled the winners of the new 15.500 m2 housing project at Aarhus Harbour, Denmark. ADEPT and Luplau & Poulsen with contractor Dansk Boligbyg and NIRAS consulting engineers has been selected as winners. The investor leading the team is KPS Invest.

The new prestigious building project, which has been named ‘Canal Houses’ will be situated right next to ADEPT and Luplau & Poulsens other project, the ‘Harbour Houses’, which just started construction. The two projects will together form a full perimeter block.The Canal Houses will be divided into floors from four to twelve floors and will be organized in smaller volumes to break down the large scale of the 15.500 m2 house.

The scale adaption will be further approached by dividing the residential towers into even smaller buildings, so the house appears as a group of difference houses stacked on top of each other. The small stacked houses will have various window carvings, balcony types and brick facades. This emphasizes the intention to create a housing building that adapts to both the large scale of the harbour and the intimate scale of the marina.

The Canal Houses continues to work with the same depth as the house next door and the concept for the garden continues, creating a green courtyard that appears as a united entity making use of the same types of paving and vegetation, as well as the overall design of path connection through and around the courtyard. The project’s subdivisions into smaller buildings are underlined by using various brick bonds and tile colors.

Hereby the facade concept from the Harbour Houses continues in a new interpretation, which contributes to unite the two houses. The solid and robust expressions of the bricks combined with its excellent durability are well suitable for the interaction for the future surrounding buildings and the diversity of the harbour.

These approaches will strengthen the interaction between the two buildings and the courtyard which unifies and stresses the identity of the buildings. To contribute to the sustainable initiatives for the Harbour Houses the Canal Houses will meet the environmental 2020 standards and will be built with green rooftops contributing to the delay of rainwater when heavy rain will appear as well as increase the quality of the residents who will have a beautiful view overlooking the green rooftops.