"Located on the West Tai-hu Lake, the design for the 8th Chinese Flower Expo pavilions explores the aesthetics of the relationship between the water and the petal.

Also experiment the tension between the Natural landscape and the iconic culture body. The designs of the two related pavilions (Art Exhibition Pavilion, Science Exhibition Pavilion) draw upon the natural geographical features of the area and use ecological building design principles to improve the relationship between art, architecture, and the environment whilst furthering the Flower Expo building society’s view to promote sustainability and the natural ecology.

To create a performance orientated building as the very primitive intention, both pavilions have a 140 + meter expanse of sweeping, curvilinear forms constructed of tri grid steel members; with more than 8000 control points (5000+ for science pavilion, 3800+ for art pavilion).

An structure in association with highly translucent ETFE weatherproof membrane, shielding the 2-storey exhibition halls underneath, which could reduce the heat gains during mid-noon in summer. The zigzagged in house façade promotes the possibility of passive ventilation in the galleries.

The pavilions, both the Art Exhibition Pavilion and Science Exhibition Pavilion, operate as twinned, but separate sites, following similar formal expressions, but different planning and accommodation arrangements, as befits their different exhibition sequences.

The Art Exhibition Pavilion is more enclosed and intimately focused, with smaller displays and objects for viewing and study. The Science Exhibition Pavilion displays projected films and animations, relying on larger, audience interactive forums and spaces.

Both Pavilions following curvilinear arrangements, with the entering and exiting flow of visitors at the scale of a major expo of primary concern. The monocoque creates an in-between space for people enjoy the surrounding natural scene within the building.

It is responds the simple self-spin gallery profile and beautiful natural landscape to enhance the experience and interactive opportunity during the journey. The planning and configuration for both comes from loops and overlapping ellipses.

This concept includes the indoor, outdoor courtyard and transition space. Both pavilions could trace out a single round pattern as very primitive iconography. And this notion indeed absorb Chinese spacial concept - Architecture is not only inside; nor outside; and never a mono-object.

That is body/mechanism of inclusive outdoor, indoor and in-between. The entire petal-like composition of the project responds visually and tectonically to its environment to create a distinct and powerful sense of place as well as a breathtaking backdrop for the 8th Chinese Flower Expo." Description from the architects.

Location: Wujin, China Architect: Lab Architecture Studio in collaboration with Chris Yiu-hang Chan & Stephanie Mee-lee Tan Architect in Charge: Donald L. Bates, Andy Wang, Chris Y. H. Chan, Stephanie M. L. Tan Project Team: Ryuji Miya, Irene Yang, Ada Ou, Shayne lacy Local Design institute: Shanghai Sunyat Architecture Design Co.,Ltd Year: 2013 Photography: Ryuji Miya, Gary