The official opening took place on November 22 by making the LED facade operational.

The new Markant Uden contains a large event hall with a capacity of 1100 people in addition to the existing theater of 700 people. Moreover there is a large restaurant and 4 smaller halls.

The typology of the Event Accommodation is based on a reflection of the structure that we designed for the Markant Theatre (1996).

Our starting point is that the whole reads like a coherent complex with own identities. The Event Hall and Theatre are located with (interchangeable) backstage and functions side by side.

These functions are like the technical rooms housed in the dark-grey thin volumes. Between these “finger-like volumes” is a new wide entrance space designed for the benefit of the whole accommodation Theatre and Event Hall.

The entrance foyer with its central location offers direct access to the halls, foyer and restaurant. The lot is small, this means a stacked program.

As the Event Hall itself has no direct functional relationship with ground level, it is raised to accommodate public functions on the ground floor as a restaurant. The expedition takes place completely internal, accessible from the Kastanjeweg.

The Event Hall is a flat floor-hall which can be used for many programmatic functions include: pop-concerts, events, exhibitions, dance shows, carnival, margin hall, youth events, dinners, parties and also for funerals.

Location: Uden, Holland Architects: Architectuurstudio HH Project Team: Patrick Fransen, Ilse Bakker, Onne Walsmit, Thys Schreij, Ivo Brandes, Joeri Apontoweil, Tim Loeters Gross floor area: 3.100 m2 new + 3.600 m2 renovation Year: 2013 Client: Heven Group, Gemeente Uden/Theater Markant NV Photo: Architectuurstudio HH