Unusual Architecture [BKP

  • Bump Key: safety of the lock under the threat

    Bump Key: safety of the lock under the threat

  • Heritage: Ancient Philippi, a strong candidacy for UNESCO World Heritage monuments list

    Heritage: Ancient Philippi, a strong candidacy for UNESCO World Heritage monuments list

  • Monte Silo House design

    Monte Silo House design

  • Amburgo, Germania: Gmp Wins the Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Competition

    Amburgo, Germania: Gmp Wins the Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Competition

  • Amburgo, Germania: Gmp Wins the Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Competition

    Amburgo, Germania: Gmp Wins the Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Competition

  • Puerto Natales, Natales, Regione delle Magellane e dell'Antartide Cilena, Cile: Hotel Remota by German Del Sol

    Puerto Natales, Natales, Regione delle Magellane e dell'Antartide Cilena, Cile: Hotel Remota by German Del Sol