Unusual Architecture
Bump Key: safety of the lock under the threat
Heritage: Ancient Philippi, a strong candidacy for UNESCO World Heritage monuments list
Monte Silo House design
Amburgo, Germania: Gmp Wins the Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Competition
Amburgo, Germania: Gmp Wins the Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Competition
Puerto Natales, Natales, Regione delle Magellane e dell'Antartide Cilena, Cile: Hotel Remota by German Del Sol
Bouquet on a finger
Ovar, Portogallo: Combatentes Educational Center by CannatÀ & Fernandes
The Dear Ladies
Shanghai, Cina: Himalayas Center by Arata Isozaki
Primary fashionz | Art
Wenzhou, Cechiang, Cina: Yongjia World Trade Centre by Unstudio
Architectural Design of Technosphere in Dubai by James Law Cybertecture
Cubic houses
Posters by Herbert Leupin
1685 Caneças, Portogallo: CANEÇAs High School by Arx
Recommended Reading: 17th century medical pop-up book digitised