Unusual Architecture
Water Tower [Sudan]
Varsavia, Polonia: Rotunda Warsaw Competition by Kontrapunkt Architecture
Great Architecture Interlace in Singapore by OMA and Partner
Ghiacciaio del Rodano, 3999 Oberwald, Svizzera: Center For Glaciology by Matthias SÜTTERLIN
Chiba, Prefettura di Chiba, Giappone: Villa Ssk by Takeshi Hirobe Architects
Great Architecture Interlace in Singapore by OMA and Partner
Art by Jean Cocteau
Singapore Tanjong Pagar Centre: Tanjong Pagar Centre by Som
Iraq: IS destroys the Mishqi Gate of ancient city of Nineveh
Istanbul, Turchia: KOÇ Contemporary by Grimshaw
Rio de Janeiro, Brasile: Mekene Architecture Wins Rio De Janeiro Symbolic World Cup Structure Competition
20068 Peschiera Borromeo Mi, Italia: Microsoft Italia by Flores Prats Arquitectos
Design by Hans Schleger
Monaco di Baviera, Germania: Baumkirchen Mitte by Unstudio
Typo by Jurriaan Schrofer
The Vintage Typos