Unusual Architecture [PLaT Architects

  • Xiangshawan Motorway Interchange, Dalad, Ordos, Cina: [XIANGSHAWAN DESERT LOTUS HOTEL BY PLAT ARCHITECTS]

    Xiangshawan Motorway Interchange, Dalad, Ordos, Cina: [XIANGSHAWAN DESERT LOTUS HOTEL BY PLAT ARCHITECTS]

  • Prefettura di Yamanashi, Giappone: Hoto Fudo by Takeshi Hosaka Architects

    Prefettura di Yamanashi, Giappone: Hoto Fudo by Takeshi Hosaka Architects

  • West Albion home design

    West Albion home design

  • Rustic Luxury Log Cabins | The Trian

    Rustic Luxury Log Cabins | The Trian

  • penthouse photos

    penthouse photos

  • Heritage: Restoration of Tuthmosis III barque shrine at Karnak Temple completed

    Heritage: Restoration of Tuthmosis III barque shrine at Karnak Temple completed