Unusual Architecture
Helicoid Structure
Art Deco — House Design
1280号 Longcheng Ave, Xinbei, Changzhou, Chiangsu, Cina, 213000: Changzhou Culture Center by Gmp Architekten
Modern Cube Sky Cottage by Archimania
Plymouth, Regno Unito: Coast Path Staircase Wins Small Projects 2014 Sustainability Award
Near East: Ancient Ten Commandments tablet sold at auction for $850,000
Santa Ynez — luxury house design
Innsbruck, Austria: Das Tirol Panorama by Stoll. Wagner Architekten
Art Azerbaijan
The National Alphabet
A Jazz Albums
Trondheim, Norvegia: LEÜThenhaven by Henning Larsen Architects
Architectural Office Building of steckelhörn 11 by j. mayer h. architects
A Vintage Colors
Londra, Regno Unito: Me Hotel by Foster And Partners
A Vintage Labels
Londra, Regno Unito: The Matrix by Mcbains Cooper