Unusual Architecture
Moran Ein Dor
Chair «Stretch no.3»
Italy: Hall of the Emperors at the Capitoline Museums in Rome restored
Fuel Share App For Shell
Värmdö, Svezia: Open Space2 by Tommaso Secchi, Dario Ruberti, Lucia Frascerra
Barn House — farmhouse — home design
North America: NYC launches archaeological repository and digital archive
Be'er Sheva, Israele: Ben Gurion University Senate Building by Chyutin Architects
Raleigh, Carolina del Nord, Stati Uniti d'America: James B. Hunt Jr. Library by SnØHETTA
Pechino, Cina: Jean Nouvel Wins National Art Museum of China Competition
Minimalist House in Dallas Texas by Ron Wommack
In wildness is the preservation of the world | Art
Green House on Sentoza Island
The Wedding Time
Great Bamboo Wall [architectural digest]
Lakeshore View House [architectural digest]
Landing Stage by Angus Meek
The Szirtes House [architectural digest]