Unusual Architecture
AZMovingToronto Company
Carriage House — the beach house
Belfast, Regno Unito: La Tallera Siqueiros by Frida Escobedo
Reggio Emilia Re, Italia: Mediopadana Station by Santiago Calatrava
Marsiglia, Francia: Mucem by Rudy Ricciotti
Berlino, Germania: Museum For Architectural Drawing by Speech
Stoccarda, Germania: Henning Larsen Architects Wins Citizen And Media Centre Competition
Art by Lenore Tawney
Nagano, Prefettura di Nagano, Giappone: Shell House by Artechnic Architects
Amburgo, Germania: Iba Inselparkhalle by Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten
Londra, Regno Unito: The Shard Opens to the Public
Singapore: Project Jewel by Moshe Safdie
John Ford House design
Évry, Francia: Pedestrian Footbridge by Dvvd
A Vintage Ads
A Vintage Illustrations
Vienne, Austria: The New Gerngross by Love Architecture And Urbanism