Unusual Architecture
Dok Architecten
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 221IV, 1012 Binnenstad, Paesi Bassi: [NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM]
New York, Stati Uniti: Empire Stores in New York City by Studio V
house with an enclosed glass bridge
Hands from a wall grow
Rotterdam, Paesi Bassi: Feyenoord Superkuip by Mvsa Architects
Mannheim, Germania: Kunsthalle Mannheim by Gmp Architekten
Doubly | Art
Stamford, Connecticut, Stati Uniti: MULTI-Modal Revamp of the Stamford Train Station by Studio V
Near East: Prehistoric rock art on mount Latmos 'erased'
Natural House by Tyler Engle Architects
Moire | Art
The Stamps
Jauna Gaita Magazine
Njalsgade, 2300 Copenaghen, Danimarca: KUA2 – University of Copenhagen by Arkitema Architects
More Stuff: Artist creates a phantom basilica in Italy’s Puglia
Diwali Festival
Rodríguez Harvey House [architectural digest]