Unusual Architecture
Modern Hospital in Birmingham
Magical Mirrors in Japan
Sydney Nuovo Galles del Sud, Australia: New Convention, Exhibition And Entertainment Precinct by Hassell + Populous
Near East: Roman-era graves bulldozed during house construction in SW Turkey
outdoor rooms with mobile panels
Milano, Italia: Gallerie D’Italia by Michele De Lucchi
Giappone Tokyo, Shibuya, 2丁目22−6: Shibuya Station by Tadao Ando
Gold Coast Queensland, Australia: Arm Architecture Wins the Gold Coast Cultural Precinct Competition
The Architectural Chinese Greatness
Los Angeles, California, Stati Uniti: ST. Thomas the Apostle School by Griffin Enright Architects
Milano, Italia: Iran Pavilion Expo 2015 by New Wave Architecture
UK: Syria's Palmyra arch recreated in London
The Jam
Al Dhakira, Qatar: New City Development in Al Dhakira by Rrc Studio
21730 Almonte, Provincia di Huelva, Spagna: Municipal Theatre by Donaire Arquitectos
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