Unusual Architecture [ARPL

  • Tallaght Post-Primary School [Dublin, Ireland]

    Tallaght Post-Primary School [Dublin, Ireland]

  • Kildare, Irlanda: ÁRas Chill Dara by Heneghan Peng Architects

    Kildare, Irlanda: ÁRas Chill Dara by Heneghan Peng Architects

  • Spirit Lake House design

    Spirit Lake House design

  • Welcome to the inner-Sanctum

    Welcome to the inner-Sanctum

  • North America: Ancient 'Kennewick Man' remains returned to Columbia River tribes

    North America: Ancient 'Kennewick Man' remains returned to Columbia River tribes

  • The 3D-Sculpture for Perth

    The 3D-Sculpture for Perth