Unusual Architecture [Benoy

  • Hongxing Road 3rd Section, Jinjiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, Cina, 610016: [OPEN CHENGDU INTERNATIONAL FINANCE SQUARE]

    Hongxing Road 3rd Section, Jinjiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, Cina, 610016: [OPEN CHENGDU INTERNATIONAL FINANCE SQUARE]

  • Hsinchu, Taiwan 300: [HSIN CHU STATION MALL BY BENOY]

    Hsinchu, Taiwan 300: [HSIN CHU STATION MALL BY BENOY]

  • Welcome to the inner-Sanctum

    Welcome to the inner-Sanctum

  • Bratislava, Slovacchia: Ondrej Nepela Ice Hockey Stadium by Fischer Architects

    Bratislava, Slovacchia: Ondrej Nepela Ice Hockey Stadium by Fischer Architects

  • San Pietroburgo, Russia: Expoforum by Eugene Gerasimov & Partners

    San Pietroburgo, Russia: Expoforum by Eugene Gerasimov & Partners

  • Housing in Southern California

    Housing in Southern California

  • Barcellona, Spagna: Vertical Garden of Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel by Jean Nouvel

    Barcellona, Spagna: Vertical Garden of Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel by Jean Nouvel