Unusual Architecture
Dizzy Pool In Singapore
3205 Vitanje, Slovenia: Ksevt by Ofis Architects
Helsinki, Finlandia: Ala Wins Helsinki Central Library Competition
midcentury modern house
Mosca, Russia: National Center For Contemporary Arts by Tom Wiscombe Design
NYC Penthouse
Mansion in Austin
Very odd house in San Jose — classic design below, modern on top — bet
Parenzo, Croazia: Sports Hall Zatika
The Tobacco Advertisment
1253 Vandœuvres, Svizzera: Agrandissement D'Une Villa by Pierre-Alain Dupraz Architecte
Hello, My Name is...
Fashion X | Art
Romsdalen, Rauma, Norvegia: Trollstigen by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter
The Irresistible Vintage
Bonsai Aesthetics
The White House of Turks and Caicos